If you are interested in joining the process as part of the planning team, please send an email including your CV
and answer the following questions:
1. What would you like to contribute the team?
2. Are or have you involved with an environmental organization or initiative? Please explain.
3. Are you able to invest 5 hours per week into this process?
to gycp@plant-for-the-planet.org
Press contact
Helge Bork
Operator and responsible for the content of this website
Global Contract Foundation
Rosenstr. 2
20095 Hamburg
Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation
Lindemannstrasse 13
82327 Tutzing
Phone: +49 (0)8808 9345
Fax: +49 (0)8808 9346
Email: info [at] plant-for-the-planet [dot] org
Internet: www.plant-for-the-planet.org
Authorised Representative
Felix und Franziska Finkbeiner (Adress see above)
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The Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation is from the local tax office of Garmisch-Partenkirchen recognized as a charitable foundation, and can issue tax deductible receipts for donations.
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